:globe_with_meridians: Our Server Rules

  • You have to agree to and act accordingly to the discord ToS (Terms of Service) and Community Guidelines! www.discordapp.com/terms www.discordapp.com/guidelines You are responsible for your content posted on the server.
  • Be respectful! Sexism, racism, transphobia and homophobia are not permitted, even if intended as a joke. Do not judge someone based on their appearance, religion, nationality, interests, illnesses, disability etc. Harassing other members in the server, aswell as in the DMs is not permitted.
  • NSFW (not safe for work: nudity, gore, 18+) content (including emojis) are strictly prohibited in this server!
  • Swearing is not allowed in this server. Auto-Moderators will delete any swear words as well as messages with capital letters only and you will receive a warning. Your status should also not include swear words or NSFW content.
  • Threatening to raid, DDoS, expose or do anything harmful to a person or the server is not allowed! Blackmailing or threatening either a member or staff will not be tolerated, even as a joke. Disclosing personal information about others without their consent is not permitted. Please be aware that we can only protect your personal information and images if you have not distributed them in the first place.
  • Be respectful to mods and please don’t argue with them about your punishment. You may appeal in a respectful manner. *If you disagree with your punishment, you are able to appeal but only if you do so in a respectful and cooperating manner in DMs. Moderators know the rules inside and out and are handpicked for a reason to uphold and enforce said rules. Your appeal will be less likely to be considered if you argue or behave disrespectfully. Our Moderators are fair and understanding, thus will try to discuss the problem with you and reach a solution between the parties involved.
  • You are not allowed to ask for help during tests, as that would be cheating. Our teachers won’t help you during that time, but are happy to help you after the test is over.
  • Advertising a different Discord server, YouTube or any social media is not permitted. This includes invites through DM. You’re allowed to share social media links as long as it doesn’t violate any server guidelines. If you want to promote a form, please ask the @Principal first!
  • This server is non-profit based. Nobody is allowed to ask for money or give money to anyone. If somebody is asking for money in the server or DMs, immediately report it to the guards.
  • You get a warning if you break these rules. After 3 warnings/infractions from guards/moderators, you will be banned from the server. After getting 2 infractions within one minute, you’ll be muted. This prevents spam.